I began my study of power and leadership in 1975. To this day, I’m intrigued by this subject. When a leader “gets it,” their lives and the lives of the people they live and work with change. The difference between the blind leader and the knowing leader are worlds apart in nearly everything they think and do. This is true in their relationships with those they live and work with. Also, I’m also willing to bet it’s the same with everyone they meet.
Until I began to work with leaders, staff training was an essential part of the programs in all my organizations due to our unusual philosophy that emphasized personal responsibility. I did the best I could as an educator and leader, but admittedly, I was unaware of my power to influence. It was when I began to work with other leaders that I began to understand this.
I have repeated this theme over the years of writing and teaching, and I know I will continue to do this because of its importance. Teaching “technique” is not an answer to being a better leader, and workshops teaching leadership must be a deep “inner soul” process that demands emotional as well as intellectual change. I know people are capable of growth and change until they die. There is no easy way for those in power to manipulate growth on the part of those we live and work with. The environment we create is the key, the lock, and the door.
I will be leader—But I want this for you too—Are we up to this?