It takes a specific type of person to envision, find resources, and build an organization. These individuals load themselves with financial obligations and constantly deal with accumulating unknowns. This person will be independent first and foremost and constantly driven to create and build. In addition to overseeing themselves, they invite others to join with them as equals, although, in truth, the equality is never quite the same. Only the leader of leaders has the persistence of vision necessary to keep the gears of the organization turning.
I’ve used these many essays to describe the leader of leaders and their sub-leaders in depth. I’ve also shared some conclusions as to why the sub-leaders fail to carry on with the organization after the prime leader leaves. Still, I wanted to know if the departing leader was the problem or if people who are not self-driven are unable or unwilling to step into full and responsible ownership of the organization they’ve inherited. Perhaps, ownership and its responsibilities for what the leader of leaders has built is terrifying to most people. Or they prefer being a part of an inner circle rather than a leader of an organization. Like everything in life, there is no single answer.
I must build for us—Not for me, you, but many—Will you take what I build?