I have written my last 20 papers leading to this point. I hope what follows has made reading this group of papers worth the effort. What are next are papers I hope clearly describes a series of workshops for teachers from pre-school through 3rd grade. The primary goal of the workshops is to teach the art of Leadershipand being the best possible Role Model to their students. All of this leading to a realization of community and close and supportive relationships with each other regardless of race, color, religion and financial circumstance. Also note that the workshops have almost 40 years of study, development and application and most important have proven remarkably successful with professionals and entrepreneurs.
Before I go there I’d like to tell a brief story. Although this takes place in mid-1950s the story is as vivid to me today as if it happened this morning.
I set up a counseling office in an elementary school. My reason for being there was to work with troubled students and teachers who felt they needed someone outside of administration to talk to. One morning at about 10: am a young boy about 9 years old was brought to me by the principle due to trouble he was causing in his class.
We sat looking at each other for a minute or two when I ask him “what did you have for breakfast?” Without hesitating he answered “I had wheaties and banana.” I asked him who made his breakfast and he proudly answered “I did, I made it myself.” “Good for you!” I responded. “Do you have any sisters or brothers?” I asked. “One,” he answered. “She’s 7 so I made her breakfast, too.” “That’s great.” I responded. We waited another minute or two and he asked if he could go back to his class. “Sure,” I said and he left to return to his classroom. About 2 hours later (lunch) I went to the teachers’ lounge and the boy’s teacher literally ran over to me and almost breathlessly asks me “what miracle took place when Tom was with you?” “Oh, we talked about what he had for breakfast.” “Didn’t he tell you about the fight his parents had?” She asked. “No, it never came up.” “When he returned to the class room he actually apologized to me and then apologized to his classmates. What happened?” More, of course, to follow. Sy