As you know, I have recently written more about “Being Present.” Why? Perhaps it’s my age, or I might simply be becoming wiser. I’m grateful for my clarity, so either reason is acceptable. Currently, what I have to say about Present-ness is merely a fact, not an opinion open for discussion.
Being Present is a foundation that supports all else. If not present, you are in the past, the future, or unconscious. While the past is gone and can be retrieved if needed, it’s still gone. The future is not ours to know. We can guess, calculate, and surmise, but we cannot see the future with any certainty. Even science and technology produce more questions than answers.
So, if my words carry weight, it’s because the truth is truth. NOW is where you need to be. Why? So that you can hear and try to understand what is taking place or being said. That the only way to confirm another is to have listened to them and worked to understand them. But, and this is a big “but,” it falls to you to tell them what you heard and understood in your own words.
Being present with another is what makes it possible to nurture relationships. It is the only way to create a “level” playing field where respect, regard, and even love can take place. Truth is hard but necessary. If not present with another, both suffer.
Speak, I hear your words—Is this what you are saying?—To confirm a must.