A few general thoughts on the way things are:
It’s raining outside so our plans to do something outdoors has to wait for another time. And that’s the way our lives are lived. It’s too wet, too cold, snowing, too hot, or as is the case right now the winds are too stiff to be outside, unless that is, one likes being pushed around by unseen hands?
To be sure, there are lucky ones amongst us that have control over much of what they do. They have the freedom to make choices for themselves. They go to bed when they want and wake up to a day mostly of events of their own making. They have no job so they have no boss or at least obligations to fulfill. But they do have responsibilities. Most important having to take care of one’s self which includes keeping clean, eat, dress, read, keep one’s mind stimulated and most important is to keep and nurture relationships.
What I’m referring to is aging and If lucky we age well and if luckier still we age with an active mind and body. To be older without debilitating illness and limitations is no guarantee. So the cards are dealt and the wise senior plays them as best they can. If blessed with good health and mind they do what they can to protect and extend these gifts for as long as possible.
In any case, aging is a challenge that all people have to deal with in time whether present or in the not too distant future. Present time could easily refer to people in their late sixties and seventies, or certainly with parents and older in-laws. On top of aging as a natural process and issue we find ourselves having to contend with the corona virus and the life and death challenges facing everyone.
For the younger generations the problem is huge beyond the illness. Consider being unemployed, no income, difficulty putting food on the table, paying the mortgage, rent and trying to meet so many others daily demands. And what of children and the impact this is having on them? It is much too early to know, but is it possible to turn this pandemic into a meaningful learning experience?
How obvious that we are One World and One People. Yes, we speak different languages, eat different foods, have different belief systems and living environments, but how does anyone deny that we are all related? Somewhere deep in our past we began from the same roots. And as our numbers grew so did the need for other environments where survival seemed more likely. Humanity expanded into unknown territory and still has not stopped searching. For some, they never will whether for food and shelter or pure questioning of the unknown. I believe this drive will save the world.
By the way, have you checked your ancestry lately? Sy
My blood has a past——————-My roots somewhere in Africa————–We are family
Coronavirus————————-Avoid being too close now————This too will come/go