So, are you a leader? Do you want to be one? If you are a leader or aspire to be one, I suggest you look at yourself in the mirror and ask: “Am I myself, or am I an act?”
The best leaders excel at being themselves. For you to be an outstanding leader, you must set outstanding examples to those you lead in as many ways as possible. Whenever you interact with those around you, your behavior and words must be authentic. Always be aware you are a role model to those closest to you. Just as importantly, you must serve your followers if they are to serve you.
Also understand the followers who serve you do so for a variety of reasons. Therefore, being authentic, caring, and respectful in your actions and interactions will increase the likelihood they will serve you as well as you serve them. Good leaders nurture their followers so they not only grow, but meet and ultimately exceed their potential.
Of course, we have all experienced leaders with no sense or desire to serve anyone other than themselves. These are those who love the power and influence they can exert over others. Those who follow this leader do so for many reasons; some are attracted by their own love of power — whether directly or by association. Rarely can they accomplish what they are truly capable of, since they remain solely for their own benefit.
So, for good or bad, it does not matter whether one seeks, takes, makes, or is given the role to lead. The demands on all leaders are identical when it comes to influencing the behavior of their followers. The raw necessities the good leader must possess are attitude, behavior, and the ability to communicate with those they lead. Conversely, the bad leader who lacks these qualities, and who either underestimates or does not understand their importance, is left to ponder why problems and difficulties with their followers persist.
An exemplary leader also recognizes that leadership exists within any group with a common goal or undertaking. Among these are those who lead or seek to lead, but there are also others who are reluctant to step into a leadership role. They are potentially capable of leadership, but prefer to only do their job and fulfill their responsibility as good team players. Usually these people are outstanding at what they do, including having excellent relationships with those whom they work and live with. Although they might not accept taking on any leadership roles, they serve and support those close to them. By their actions and words, they already possess the authentic attributes of leadership. A good leader would do well to recognize and reward that individual, as it benefits the organization by fostering initiative and inspiring like behavior in others.
Leaders are defined by their actions and words, both good and bad. Those close to them can clearly see and know them for who they really are — regardless of what the leader believes themselves to be. Interacting with powerful individuals on a daily basis makes it impossible not to know them, sometimes better than they know themselves. They are not kings who can hide behind their elegant clothes. Instead, whether or not they choose to be transparent, they will reveal their true selves, and in the end will reap what they sow.
I believe leaders emerge in every group endeavor, and that leadership is a natural phenomenon. Without talented leaders, humanity might not have been able to survive — it was leadership that made it possible for people to live in groups.
Good leaders, bad leaders, and those who follow are dynamic roles which constantly change as people emerge from among us to fill them. Each of us possesses these qualities, whether from natural propensity or learned behavior, as they are a foundational part of the human experience.
Lead me to be me———-And I will lead others to be———–How important is self?