Power and the negative influence that many in power evidence has always bothered me. As a kid growing up in Chicago, I remember that I not only would not be intimidated by bullies but sought them out and took them on. If you were family or friend, I fought on your behalf. No problem, and as I grew, so did my reputation. I do not know why but standing up against inappropriate power and the characters that acted this way seemed to be my calling. Apparently, I someway somehow knew that power misused had to be stood up against. I did so without knowing why, except that it is what I felt, and acted accordingly.
As a young entrepreneur, I led and trained people that worked for me, and I believe I never used my powers to push or harm them. In fact, I do not remember using my power and influence in any way other than to assist them to be as good as possible with children. If an employee refused to grow, and the way they worked demonstrated this, I made it easy for them to quit. I made it clear that it was “grow or go,” always in respectful ways. I never knowingly used my powers to harm another.
In 2014 I decided to write a book on “Leadership, Power & Consequences” and spoke with several people that worked for me as long ago as the 1950s. I heard that many saw me as a “role model.” I asked why, since I do not remember asking anyone, “what kind of leader am I?” I did what events called for me to do, and never do I remember wondering if I was a good leader or a bad one. Would it have made a difference? Maybe and maybe not?
When I worked with other leaders of businesses (professional and otherwise) and their “Inner circles,” I witnessed that Leaders often were the problem to the answers they sought with their key people—Was this me as a leader? In other words, was it the way that leaders spoke, looked, and shared the feelings that came out of them as leaders? This led to years of study and the realization that leaders, whether good or bad, make the most significant difference in how organizations function.
Why I am, who knows? ———-But I become regardless————I play the cards dealt.