All people that must be themselves will do what they must to be independent. But there is a different independent person with a worldview in contrast to those with only a self-view. Both are driven to be themselves regardless, but the rare worldview individual builds for themselves and others. They become the leaders of the sub-leaders within their organizations, giving them everything possible to facilitate their growth as people and leaders.
I believe I have covered the leader of leaders concept thoroughly, to the point of redundancy. If so, forgive me, as the subject greatly intrigues me. If what I have written is clear, I am satisfied. I do not seek agreement in any of the things I write about. I firmly believe in experience, and I have been blessed to have had many of them. In exploring this subject, experience played a powerful role. How else can I explain why nothing exists of our work beyond memories and, of course, what we learned from all those dynamic interactions?
I believe the answer is found by understanding how unique a leader of leaders is. They are the ones who dream and bring their dreams to life. They build for themselves and others real and often substantial organizations. While some do this for profit, others do it for the good of society. Naturally, some do it for both. As I’ve previously explained, when these prime leaders disappear, the organizations they’ve built follow soon after that.
As far as Lenette and I are concerned, we’ve benefited from all the many wonderful children, staff, and adults we worked with over many years. Although our organizations ceased to exist without us, we are grateful beyond words, and our lives have been enriched immeasurably because of the remarkable people we have known.