If you are a leader you possess influence over those you lead and this influence must be acknowledged and understood by you from the moment you choose to become a leader. Here I must emphasize this as a “first principle” that if you lead you are responsible for those you lead and must accept what this means to those you lead and yourself.
My experience tells me that most people choose to become part of a group. That is, they accept that someone else lead them. Their reasons are many, but generally most do not want the responsibility being in charge means. This may be financial or the demands being responsible for others entail. So accepting and even giving power to others is a choice made for many reason. In general I would argue that most people accept a follower’s role because it’s the easier choice.
Life, on the other hand, plays games with us and pulls–pushes and accidentally places a few of us in responsible positions. We become leaders not because we have chosen, but others choose us or our choices in life make it necessary. Also, not to forget, the few that MUST lead because they love and need power and influence over others. Power is truly their aphrodisiac.
A huge variety of examples abound: What is a parent sitting at the “Kitchen table” with their children, a teacher in the classroom, a boss at work, the minister leading church services and our influential friends? They are all leaders. Some have chosen, others deny any desire on their part, but are placed in the position.
Hierarchies play a big role in the selection process because all hierarchies need participants that are ready and willing to carry the message of the hierarchy. So it’s not a person that leads, but the organization’s philosophy. And not to forget the dangerous and destructive leaders that simply love power and seek needy and helpless people in order to use as willing pawns?
In one way or another Leadership is a human absolute. Whether for good or bad is the leader’s choice. Sy