The true Leader is, first and foremost, themselves and will remain so through all of life’s challenges. But being themselves is not enough. They desire this for those who are close to them. They would love to see this worldwide for everyone, but they realize it is impossible. These unique self-driven people build their own organizations where the people they employ become part of an environment that provides every opportunity for all of them to grow as themselves.
We see this in their family and their extensive relationships with others. Being oneself is vital to them. Yet, these leaders are a minority of a minority. Most self-driven people do not care whether other people are themselves or not. It is enough for them to fight their own battles to be themselves.
So, I suggest there are two types of independent people. The vast majority of these are concerned with only themselves and value self-involvement over relations. They do not build environments where others can grow, but only what they need to be themselves. The second group is a minority, which I see myself as being a part of. They want their freedom but are also inclusive, so they build organizations.
Leaders are made and selected from the group that joins this type of leader’s organization. But they are not leaders in the same sense as the prime leader. The leader of leaders creates an environment where their employees discover their voice and grow into leadership roles. These are not leaders of leaders but leaders underneath the umbrella and protection of the prime leader. These other leaders may be superb but rarely are they the leader of leaders.