In the last paragraph of the blog on the Classroom Environment, I referred to “the space between.” So what do I mean by this?
Most people believe the teacher’s primary job is to teach subject matter beginning in pre-school through all grades that cover everything and anything from art, dance, music, writing, reading, history, geography, math, science and into the most advance and esoteric subjects. This is important, but most important? I don’t think so.
I believe and have acted on the premise that building respect and regard for each other comes first and that subject matter then comes easier because help and participation takes place naturally. It is vital to value each person as unique and that our differences are more important than our similarities. To make this come about is the job the teacher musttake on and make a total commitment to being this in what they say and do.
This is “the between” I refer to. It is, in fact, the primary space, and I argue the most important space, where the teacher as leader must beand teach. It is the place and time where leadershipand being the role modelneeds to be perceived by their students as the reality of the teacher. It is also the simple truth of our memorable teachers. They helped bring out the best of whom and what we are. It is that time and space where teaching, leading and being the role model are one and the same person.
This very special person as our teacher, leader and role model has the power and influence to assist us in growing into our potential and wanting this for all others. It cannot happen alone and all by ourselves. Also, it would be wonderful if this would take place around the kitchen table, and it may and does, but not often enough. Sadly too much of our history is carried from parents to children, to parent to children, to parent, etc. Sy
We are what we learn——What we learn may not be true——-How do we find truth?