The Responses To Power

When power is used, whether obvious, subtle, or hidden behind a smile and glazed eyes, it influences a response from the recipient. Power speaks loud and clear, even if silent.  People with power and influence may believe they have achieved their purpose, which may be compliance or whatever they seek, but I do not think so. If manipulative or abusive, what those in power get in return is less.  Or worse, they sow the seeds of sabotage. While it might rarely be obvious, it is sabotage, nevertheless. Frankly, how can it be otherwise? 

While power is remarkable when used for good, when it is used for evil, the results are devastating, even to the point of self-destruction. The historical proof of this is self-evident.

As a student and teacher, I became aware of my power to influence people, but not before I witnessed the blindness of others in power. Like the influential people I worked with, I always thought my problems were with others and that my job was to fix them or boot them. I and those who employed me learned simultaneously that the problem was rooted in our need to fully understand how we were wielding it. 

My students were bright, creative professionals and entrepreneurs who hired me to solve their staff problems. I credit their good senses and courage because it takes courage to “know thyself.” They accepted my assertions that we, the leaders, were “the problem to the answer.” As a result, we all grew, as did our employees. 

It is amazing what being open and vulnerable can do to anyone who has been closed and invulnerable. CHANGE IS OUR VERY HUMAN GIFT. Sy

Author: Sy Ogulnick

Sy Ogulnick received a BA from UCLA, Teacher’s Credential from Los Angeles Board of Education and completed phase I (Master’s portion) in a Doctor of Behavioral Science program at California Coast University. Sy leased and operated a summer day camp in LA. He and his wife then purchased virgin wilderness land in Northern CA, where they built and operated a coed summer camp. They moved to Las Vegas, NV, and purchased, built and operated a community children’s program for families staying in a major resort casino in Las Vegas. They have created programs for children nationwide that employed many people and in the process developed successful training programs for personnel. This led Sy to lecture on how to train staff and the creating of community within the workplace. Sy was then invited to speak at professional conferences on how best to hire and train employees, which led to his becoming a consultant in the art of improving relationships in a work environment and eventually to his epiphany that “Leaders are the primary problem and the answer to the personnel issues that arise in the workplace.” Sy has written numerous papers on the subject of interpersonal relationships, leadership and power. He has lectured throughout the United States, has been interviewed by the media and has appeared on many radio and TV talk shows

3 thoughts on “The Responses To Power”

  1. Sy,
    How many time did you run into the situation that the so called leader (who probably hired you) did not have the skills necessary to lead, manage the team of people under his/her control. The problem was not an organizational structure, the skills/motivation of the team members, but their leader whom did not have the needed skills and probably never will gain the skills to affectively lead the current situation. What did you do?

    1. Never worked with a leader that did not become a student and learn to help make their environment a nurturing one. It worked because the leader was a willing participant and not the leader during our workshop. I was as mentor and guide.

  2. To your point Sy; I have always found the “very best” leaders ask countless questions, and they stop to listen to the answers from which follow-up questions are posed. Those leaders seem to ignite the learning environment you suggest. A few follow-up questions…and let the group riff. It brings in more voices, leading to a collaborative consensus. A leader who asks questions and listens to answers shows both interest in the voices of others, cultivates a creative culture, wants to get to the best answers from the widest net of ideas and vision…and whose humility earns respect.

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