I have no problem admitting that I am fragile. The other day, I was sitting on the edge of our bed and gently slid off. When I did, I landed on my right shoulder. This minor fall resulted in several cracked ribs. X-rays also uncovered a case of minor pneumonia. I feel fine, with no fever, cough, or any other telltale signs, but treatment is coming, along with physical therapy for the shoulder.
Old age is clearly not a pleasant journey into the setting sun. It is a fight to stay alive, and I mean alive! It is why I strongly believe that if we understand and accept the aging process, we have relatively effective tools to fight and even win battles against aging. But assuredly, in the end, we will lose the war. And I am okay with that. There is a time for everything, that is, if we are lucky, and I have been lucky.
A quick recap of the weapons available to each of us that are aging. Of course, we are all aging from the moment of conception, but here I refer to those who have retired from work. The act of “retiring” I now consider a big mistake.
Number 1 is the place where you live, which goes with number 2, community. A community is where people live close to each other and care for each other. It is where your neighbors are aware of you and are quick to help if needed. I also wish to emphasize that we must be proactive in being aware of the needs of our neighbors. Number 3 is to stay active and work even if this means taking classes to learn new things. This is very important. Don’t stop working your mind and body. Finally, what may be the most important is number 4. Socialize with everyone you can. Do not wait for them to come to you. Go to them. Sy