I am aging as we all are, but our differences are considerable. You are going to be (fill in the blank)? And I am going to be 96. Who would have thunk? My intention is that this writing will share more of what I am going through up to and including this moment. What will be tomorrow is NOT my concern.
I feel good, and each day I go for walks and try to write a paper on a subject that Lenette and I have talked about. Usually on topics and issues that occurred in the last day or two or what may occur. We remain very much connected to the events taking place in our country and the world. So much to comment on, and not a thing we can do anything about!
Also, as you have seen, I will share myself because I believe and hope that what I have to say might help you today or in the future. No one escapes aging; even a baby begins the process at conception. So, when and what I share is in your hands. Consider what is positive as a gift and what may be read as a negative, also as a gift.
I have Dry Macular Degeneration and have had it for many years. Until now, it never showed itself, but the process is slow and insidious. I can see well enough without glasses, but reading is becoming more and more difficult. With glasses, I am still able to work at the computer. That allows me to increase letter size and enlarge the stuff I must read. And, if necessary, I use a magnifying glass.
The good news is Hospice has cut me out of their program. I’m just too healthy for them at this point, but they will take me back when we need their help. While I feel good about that, I will miss my visiting nurses. They have been wonderful and have become part of our family. So, this is how I am aging. My love for Lenette is why.
Live each day, enjoy-This day is what counts the most—Only now a gift.