A close friend invited me to write a brief paper on becoming “A Better Self.” I know this is doable for every human if (and it’s a big “IF )they are willing to give time and energy and are lucky enough to have actual caregivers in their life.
These “caregivers” I describe are also people that feel good about themselves, have a sense of personal power, and have an excess of regard and respect for each human being. They give of themselves volitionally, not because of obligation or fees, but because they really care about the people they live with, work with and meet. They have a love for humanity and give of themselves freely.
A person who’s aware of their troubled upbringing needs to know and believe that their past experiences trap them but that it is possible to overcome the ghosts of their past. Yet, it is essential for them also to know that they cannot do this alone by themselves. Professionals (Psychiatrists, Psychologists, Social Workers, etc.) may help. Still, it is the legitimate “caregiver,” the person who gives of themselves because it is who they are that makes the best medicine for a conflicted human.
How do I know this? Am I wishful in thinking that all troubled people can be made healthy? I certainly think not. But 25 years of working with many troubled and challenging children and youth has given me experiential knowledge, far more meaningful than academic/intellectual knowledge. So, I know what I know, and because I am a caregiver, I feel good about myself and have made my way through life’s challenges. I know what genuine “caring” means to a person in need of this.
I am in deep pain—-My self needs loving help—Your love can help me.