I’ve been writing this series of essays about individuals who stand out from the crowd. Everyone is an individual, but few are special, unique, and “one of a kind” in attitude and behavior. This is what I care about.
There are no names, although some will be easy to identify for those who lived or worked with them at one of our programs. Our work with youth and our young staff ran from 1948 to 1975 when serendipity played its cards. These serendipitous events occupied my learning and teaching for the next 35 years. And please note that I loved both occupations thoroughly.
This story is about a brilliantly creative preschool teacher we hired to work with our children and young staff. She loved the little ones and the relationships she established with her young and inexperienced staff. A few staff members clearly realized this master teacher was a gold mine of child knowledge. Accordingly, they took her every word and deed to heart. Between her and them, they created one of the finest preschool programs anywhere.
The woman I speak of was exceptional in her approach to the care and education of the young. Two co-workers recognized her “artistry” and attached themselves to her. They all achieved incredible things with their students. It was beyond gratifying for those of us fortunate enough to observe and facilitate. These young teachers became award-winning educators in the California and Nevada Educational systems.
Lenette designed the entire facility, which we called “Children’s Campus.” It was a unique model for communities, providing services for preschool through teens. This program led to Lenette and me designing and operating the Youth Hotel in the International Resort & Hotel.