Animals teach us if we pay attention. We teach them because they DO pay attention. We all need to be in the present (as our animals are) if we are to learn and grow (I mean growth in terms of mental and emotional development). So, the story on this page is just one of many amazing responses to the moment our animals have demonstrated.
This happened in the 50s when Lenette was planting flowers on the front lawn. Brutus, our brilliant Beagle, was relaxing with her when a German Shepherd from down the street attacked Brutus. The attack was entirely unprovoked, but we knew the dog and were aware of its aggressive behavior with other dogs. The dog’s owners had already paid hefty fines for its past attacks. As a result, the animal was always supposed to be leashed and under control. Yet, on this occasion, he wasn’t.
Heidi was in the backyard and, on hearing the commotion, leaped our six ft. fences to defend Brutus. This is not what the attacking dog wanted. He feared Heidi and usually avoided our house when running free. But there is more. Cleo, our very productive kitten producer, also cleared the fence on Heidi’s tail and joined the battle. It was not pretty. While Heidi was ferociously tearing into the aggressive dog, it got worse for him when Cleo flew onto his head and began ripping at his eyes.
I quickly got our animals off the dog, but the damage was done. The fight left the attacker in bad shape, and the defeated bully retreated home, where his owners were forced to put it to sleep that day.
Our three animals were led into the backyard, acting as if nothing untoward had occurred. Brutus suffered some minor bleeding but otherwise was fine. As I’ve written, Heidi, Brutus, and Cleo were very close. The next story will be about their special relationship.
Animals give love-Please give this back in good ways